Manor Multi Academy Trust Case Study

We started to work with the Manor Multi Academy Trust when we won the contract for a large multi-functional Learning Resource Centre in their East Park Academy.

The project went smoothly and they were delighted with the results for their new educational space, so as new primary schools came on board they got back in touch with us to partner them for further furniture projects.

The images below show just a few of the things we have done for them and illustrate the breadth and flexibility of the projects we can undertake such as libraries, classrooms, receptions, cloakrooms and break out areas.

We understand the importance of budgets, deadlines and branding consistancy across trust schools and go to every effort to ensure our customers are so delighted with their Incube experience that they come back to us time after time.


“Having Incube’s wonderful products and designs revamping our library, classrooms and reception areas has been brilliant. They have provided the perfect solution.”

Anita Cliff OBE, Executive Headteacher, Manor Multi Academy Trust

East Park Library Manor Academy Trust

A flagship learning resource centre

The Learning Resource Centre at East Park Academy was a large space but needed to be defined imaginatively for varied uses and ages. Our submission beat the competition by offering the most inventive and suitable solution for the school's needs at a lower cost than the other tenders.

Manor Trust Breakout space
Manor Trust Cloakroom

From cloakroom to break-out space 

When the trust asked us to survey this school to find break-out and intervention spaces within their existing footprint, this overlooked cloakroom was reinvented as a bright and airy break-out space with storage and a mini library area. 

Bespoke reception desk

We designed and installed this reception desk and office space for one of the schools in the trust when they needed to ensure that all information stored and work being conducted was secure in a discreet way. It also gives a smart first impression to anyone visiting the school.


Clutter-busting classroom storage

Our storage cupboards in colours to match the rest of the school's upgraded furniture allowed classrooms to get rid of clutter and display some of their more important or successful projects. It also produced a cohesive look that flowed through the whole school.

Manor Academy Cupboards